School-Based Pediatric Physiotherapy

Pediatric Physiotherapists work with children and their families, caregivers, and teachers to promote active participation in activities that are meaningful to them. Physical pediatric therapists focus on teaching children the necessary skills to function more independently at, school.
Pediatric physical therapists work to help children needing extra support reach their full potential and enjoy their. 

 PTs tend to focus on bigger movements and the balance and coordination required to perform activities of daily living and play with their siblings and peers.  

Pediatric Physical Therapists work with children in the following areas.  

Gross motor skills – coordination of bigger movements for walking, running, jumping, skipping, and hopping. 

Balance and coordination 

Strength and endurance – related to school play activities. 

Eye-hand coordination – ability to coordinate eye movement with hand movement; ball skills. 

Play skills 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) 

How frequently will my child be seen for therapy? 

This is different for each child depending on their development and specific needs. Some children will only need one session to be evaluated, while others may need therapy more regularly for a longer period of time to improve their daily functioning.
Typically kids are seen twice per week, but this is individualized based on your child’s needs.

What happens at our first meeting?
At your first meeting, your therapist will review your child’s medical history, current performance, and your desired goals for your child. The therapist may do a variety of assessments to get a baseline of your child’s current level of functioning and performance. 

4 Myths of psychological interventions

4 Myths of psychological interventions:


  • Weak People seek help from a counselor.

It’s important to know that seeking help from a counselor is a sign of strength, as it reflects a willingness to overcome challenges. It’s an important step towards personal growth and well-being.

Students seek counseling for different reasons, such as: mental health issues, personal development, relationship difficulties, and coping with life stressors.

N.B: The Counselor offers a safe and non-judgmental space for their students. So they can address their concerns lightly.


  • Psychological disorder is fake.

Mental health conditions are REAL and can have a significant impact on a person’s overall well-being (thoughts, emotions, behavior, physical).

Psychological disorders include a wide range of conditions: anxiety disorders, mood disorders,etc.

If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of a psychological disorder, it’s important to seek professional help such as PSYCHOLOGIST, COUNSELOR,THERAPIST.


  • A smile on the face means a happy person.

While a smile is often linked to happiness, it’s important to note that appearances can be deceiving. Smiling or appearing happy doesn’t necessarily mean that someone is free from mental health issues.

Individuals may smile for different reasons, such as social expectations, to conceal their true emotions, masking depression, etc.

It’s essential to recognize that people may cope with their struggles in various ways.


  • You need to be strong and resolve your own problems.

Facing difficulties and challenges individually help to increase our  personal growth and resilience. But some issues could be overwhelming and handling it individually could be tough and difficult.

So asking for help from professional guidance can help you to see different perspectives and learn new coping strategies that will help you to handle the situation and resolve it in a healthy way.

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