ES Principal

 Dear DBS Families, 

 It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the inaugural edition of Voices of DBS. This monthly communication aims to foster a strong sense of community and celebrate the unique tapestry of diversity that defines our school. 

 This month, our theme revolves around “unity in diversity.” At DBS, we take pride in our truly diverse faculty and student population. Despite our differences, we function as one family, embracing each other’s traditions and supporting one another through joys and challenges. Together, we are an unstoppable force, united in purpose. 

 I want to assure you that your child’s wellbeing and safety are always our top priorities. Each student within these walls is viewed as one of our own, and we are committed to providing an environment where they can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. 

 Thank you for entrusting DBS with your child’s education. Let us continue to grow together and strive to be better than we were yesterday. Your involvement, support, and partnership are integral to our collective success. 

 Wishing you a wonderful and enriching academic journey ahead. 


Mr. Wehann Human