ES – Student Council

The student council is bery pleased to be working with Mr Wehann, Mr Nicolaas, and all the admin in Dasman Bilingual School. We are looking forward to the School of the Future, a fun opportunity to get the best time at school. We feel very proud to serve Dasman Bilingual School and be its representatives, and we are honored to have been elected.

My name is Samira Maarouf, and I’m the secretary of the Student Council in elementary. We have done and planned so many nice things with the principal, and to be unique, we are planning to: change the SDG to SMT which stand for Saving My Tomorrow. The SMT will be one of the unique things that makes our school up on the podium.

As I have spent over 5 years in this school, I think that I have the right to say this school is the best one yet. It’s known as one of the best schools in Kuwait. It’s probably the largest, though, so keep coming! Dasman is the best and we hope that eventually it gets the best in the world.

Samira Maarouf – 5 Lime