HS – Student Council

I would like to start off by introducing myself. My name is Farah Abdulnasser Khuraibet, a junior here at Dasman bilingual school and a member of the eti7ad election team that is currently running for our school’s student council. In this month’s issue of the Dasman newsletter, I would like to share with you an unseen and unheard speech that I wrote for election week that I never got the chance to deliver which showcases who we are as a unified team.

So who are we?Why are we here today? Why am I here today?

We are a united group of high school students ranging from grade 9 all the way to grade 12 that saw that we could make a difference and truly improve the school and the study body as a whole while leaving a lasting positive impact on everyone here at Dasman Bilingual School.

Eti7ad means to unite, that does not only represent my team, but what we hope for Dasman to be. It also represents our goal, because with one union, we aim to bridge the gap between students and administration, hence our name, eti7ad.

And if you really think about it, the thing that unites all of us here today, is for you, your benefit and your comfort. Yes I am talking to you. I am talking to every single student and teacher that roams the halls of this fine educational establishment.

I would like to speak a little bit on why I am personally here today asking for your vote.When our President Aziz Alduaij first asked me to join eti7ad all the way back in August, the first thing i told him was “If you do not have a clear set goal, forget me ever joining” And that is why I am standing here before all of you to tell you that he in fact did not only have a goal, but one that is undeniably vital and crucial to the improvement and the construction of the bridge between the student body and the administration.That goal is to be your voice and to make sure you are heard, and we have been working hard ever since August to make sure that we will eventually reach this goal.

How are we going to do this? How are we going to make sure you are heard? We believe communication with our fellow students is key. We have heard your suggestions and your struggles, we even live them with you and we plan on continuing to hear them and we will not rest until we have fulfilled your expectation and have turned them into a reality.

I would like to mention that most of our members including myself, have been Dasman students for 10 or more years, to mention a few, we have President Aziz Alduaij, Vice president Yousef Alfahad, Aziz Darweesh, Fatma Alhamdani, Yousef Alsabty, and Deema Salahaat. So trust us when we say that we know this school by heart. This is the school we were brought up in, this where I learned how to write and give speeches, where we learned to be leaders. We know our shortcomings and faults, and we know what this school needs, what we can fix, realistically, what you need, to make this a better home for us all.

And on behalf of my team, we pledge to make a serious effort to enhance the school in all of its aspects. We will strive to enhance your education here at Dasman. We will attempt to achieve this by working with the administration to do the following : To give out extra credit courses, add more elective classes and extracurricular activities, and to hold practice qudaraat tests and qudaraat courses for the newly implemented national exam, as well as providing IELTS test courses to our graduating seniors.

We believe what makes this school stand out is how we combine education and entertainment, which is why we are keen on planning to do as many events as possible, such as but definitely not limited to organizing field trips, spirit weeks, schools sports tournaments, oscar night, carnival night, go-kart, paintball and more. We also will aim to create the first ever student lounge here at Dasman. I would like to emphasize that our goals and plans are not restricted to what I had just mentioned. As said previously, we want to hear your suggestions, complaints and overall what you have to say, and we will try our very best to apply them.

Let us be your voice. And as you can probably tell, it’s a loud one. We are going to make sure the sound of your voices is echoed throughout all of Dasman’s campus. The future of Dasman starts with you before us, it is in your hands before it is in ours.

So support us, vote for us, we promise to live up to our word of improving the school for everyone’s satisfaction and enjoyment , and to always keep your best interest in mind for the now and near future, and to make the school year of 2023/2024 a memorable one.

To end off my speech, I would like to take a moment and use the platform I have right now to talk about the gruesome genocide going on in palestine that is a crime against humanity and against our palestinian brothers and sisters. We, Team eti7ad, announce our full support to Palestine, and we want to help them in any way we can. We have uploaded a donation link in our instagram bio @eti7ad.dbs and we urge you all to donate whatever you can. Even something small can make the biggest difference.

Thank you.

Farah Khuriabet – 11 H